The Social Justice Hub has been created by the 2023-2024 Board of Student Representatives with the goal of helping to educate members of the community. A consistent piece of feedback we receive from students and members of the community at large is geared towards education and inclusivity. We have students who want to learn how to support diverse communities better and educate themselves but don’t know where to start. At the same time, there are champions of education in our community who have been labeled as the “go-to” people for questions relating to EDI work and education. These people get an unfair burden placed on them to educate others, whether they want to or not. This learning hub is to help relieve some of that pressure on the champions and gives individuals a starting point to educate themselves.
Allyship is a term that is used to describe active support for the rights of a minority or marginalized group without being a member of said group. Being an ally is not a self-given title, it is not something that people can do a small action toward and give themselves a pat on the back. Allyship is the action of actively and constantly supporting marginalized groups, and the first step towards this is education. We are removing the barrier or the standard excuse of people not knowing where to start. Take time to read and engage with these resources to take the first step towards becoming an ally. However, it is essential to note that solely engaging with these resources without taking action is not allyship. This is the beginning, not the end. The learning hub is not set in stone. As time passes, resources will be added and removed, if you would like to add/remove a resource or add a marginalized community to this hub, please don’t hesitate to reach out at [email protected]
Content Warning: Some of the resources down below contain graphic and heavy materials which may be harmful for some individuals, please use the resources at your own comfort level.