Nimbus Tutoring is a service partnered with Bishop’s University and the SRC that facilitates our academic tutoring program. Nimbus helps to match qualified tutors to motivated students in a manner that’s easy to comprehend. Through the Nimbus Tutoring mobile app, you can either find or become a tutor in a matter of minutes!
Looking for a Tutor?
Student Tutors cost $20/hour, which you can pay for via credit card through the Nimbus application.
Accommodations Students must fill out a receipt for their tutoring lessons which can be downloaded and printed here:
If you cannot find a tutor for a given course, or if a course is not listed, we most likely don’t have a student tutor for that course yet. Email [email protected], and we will put out a call for tutors!
Online tutoring
Access to the SRC Tutoring service is now available virtually through the Nimbus Tutoring App. You can book with tutors for online sessions that you are able to conduct through your mobile phone or a desktop portal.
Want to become a Tutor?
To become a tutor, you must have an overall average of 75% or higher, and an average of 80% or higher in any course you wish to tutor (with exceptions). These must be courses that you have previously completed at BU or in CEGEP. If there is a course you would like to tutor that you have not taken, you must obtain written permission from that course’s professor (in the form of an email or written note) stating that they approve your qualifications as a tutor for that specific course.
Download the App